Library Commission
Raymond Library
840 Main Street
MARCH 15, 2010
Present: Debra Arrieta, Florence Schroeter, Rose Tavtigian, Charles Casella, Pat Jones, Librarian and Tom Rup
Excused Absenses: Lisa McMahon, Gloria Visgilio-Lupi, Tony Foran,
A) CALL TO ORDER - The meeting ws called to order at 7:00p.m.
B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of the February 22, 2010 meeting were approved as submitted.
C) LIBRARY EXPANSION - Pat Jones met with Mayor Currey on March 16th.
- We discussed the need and options for both small and large scale fundraising.
D) LIBRARIAN'S REPORT - The 2010-11 town library budget is identical to current with $5,000 reduction in temporary help.
- The teen after school drop in program draws 10-12 participants daily.
- Forty computers are up and running. Only two years ago we had eight.
E) NEW BUSINESS - We discussed starting an outreach program to our Spanish-speaking community.
- Pat Jones will seak with Gazette management about inserting a library card application in a future edition.
F) ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.